
Be Surprised!

Colors are energy with different frequencies.  Choosing ones that match your skin tone will always be flattering, supportive and in alignment with your personal vibration.  They will create a nurturing and healing environment for you to wear and to live in.

Having your colors analyzed can be surprising, enlightening, and inspiring!

DSCN4913Color Services Offered

Discover your “magic” color and how to use it with any one of the following services:

Personal Palettes – Curated colors chosen to compliment your skin tone that can be used for your wardrobe and your home to create the effects that you desire.

Color Consultations – To determine exact color matches or to choose colors that coordinate with whatever specific project you are working on.

Life Color Plans –  A complete color analysis of your home and wardrobe including an in-depth tutorial on the psychology of color and a selection of colors for your lifetime that will always be flattering, nurturing and healing for you.